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UpTag: GA4 + Google Tag (GTM)

UpTag: GA4 + Google Tag (GTM)

UpTag helps you integrate with Google Ads, Google Tag (GTM) and Google Analytics 4 tracking without embedding codes in your theme. With a few step-by-step instructions, UpTag enriches the data layer with comprehensive e-commerce events (Page_View, View_Item, Add_To_Cart, Begin_Checkout, Tracking_Purchase), complete with order data (such as product ID/name, variant ID/name, revenue,..). For more advanced event setup, consider opting for our expert support.

The Enchanted Data Layer

Once upon a time in the bustling city of Digitalia, there lived a young and ambitious marketer named Alex. Alex had always dreamt of revolutionizing the way businesses tracked and analyzed their online activities. His dream was soon to become a reality with the introduction of UpTag, a groundbreaking tool that would change the face of digital advertising.

With a newfound passion, Alex worked tirelessly day and night, perfecting UpTag's functionality. He meticulously designed the tool to automatically generate and deploy the necessary tracking codes, ensuring that users would no longer have to embed codes in their website themes. This revolutionary feature attracted marketers from all corners of Digitalia, eager to simplify their tracking processes.

However, Alex knew that some users would require more advanced event setup and personalized assistance. To cater to their needs, he devised an expert support service, where skilled professionals would guide businesses through intricate event configurations and offer valuable insights to optimize their campaigns further.


About UpCommerce1 app5.0 average rating6+ months building apps for the Shopify App Store40, Xuan La Street, Tay Ho, Hanoi, VN, Hanoi, 100000, VN


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