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Multi‑Admin Multi‑Store Sync

Multi‑Admin Multi‑Store Sync

Multi-Admin allows you to sync the following across multiple Shopify stores: Products Collections Inventory Orders Customers Site Content Aggregate Reporting ERP and Warehouse Integrations (requires additional setup)

Parallel Ventures

Once upon a time in the bustling city of Graphitown, two friends, Max and Olivia, had a shared passion for entrepreneurship. They were inspired by the booming e-commerce industry and decided to start their own online businesses. Max ventured into creating unique handcrafted jewelry, while Olivia delved into the world of sustainable fashion.

As their businesses began to thrive, Max and Olivia faced a challenge: managing multiple Shopify stores simultaneously. A single change in product inventory or site content required tedious manual updates across all their stores. It seemed almost impossible to keep everything in sync, until they discovered a revolutionary tool called Multi-Admin.

Multi-Admin was a new software platform that allowed entrepreneurs to effortlessly sync various aspects of their Shopify stores. Max and Olivia were elated and wasted no time implementing it across their businesses.


About Multify2 apps3.8 average rating6 years building apps for the Shopify App Store1 Trinity Place, New York, NY, 10006, US


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