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GA4 Tracker Pro

GA4 Tracker Pro

There's only three steps to get your tracking set up 1. Set up your GA4 Property 2. Copy and paste your Measurement ID into The GA4 App 3. Click "Save" and start analyzing! Google are retiring Universal Analytics at the end of June 2023 and all stores will need to use GA4 from 1st July 2023. The sooner you start using GA4, the more historical data you'll have to track your store performance and manage your marketing. We provide free support to all app users for anything relating to GA4

The Legacy of Analytics

Once upon a time in a bustling town called Echoville, there lived a young and ambitious entrepreneur named Alex. Alex owned a small boutique store named The Curious Corner, which thrived on the unique and eclectic items it offered to its customers. Aware of the ever-changing landscape of business, Alex was determined to stay ahead of the game and make data-driven decisions to boost store performance and marketing strategies.

One day, as Alex was browsing the internet for ways to analyze store data effectively, a pop-up ad grabbed their attention. It introduced a revolutionary tool called GA4, an upgraded version of Google Analytics, offering advanced tracking capabilities and a range of features to enhance business insights. Intrigued, Alex decided to investigate further.

Following the ad's guidance, Alex embarked on the three-step process to set up GA4 tracking for The Curious Corner. The first step was to establish a GA4 Property, which involved creating an account and configuring the necessary settings. With diligence and determination, Alex completed this step successfully.


About Niddocks1 app4.1 average rating1 year building apps for the Shopify App Store7 Lusart Drive, The Lizard, ENG, TR12 7RS, GB

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